auto death auto police auto bots
there are many reasons why the new apple iphone x sucks. the main comment is that apple (like google and facebook) is over developing. the amount of 'cool' in the apple iphone x is exceeded by the amount of suck. there is very little 'cool' but there is a lot of suck. the price tag, the slow facial rec, that…
taxi operators are protesting. no, not against multiple mass murders, where as much as 12 people are killed in a few minutes, but for complaints about lack of protectionism. roads are being effectively closed, violence is erupting as motorists are attacked by violent protestors. for money. protesting because cheaper mass transit (which saves struggling poor families money) means less money…
in a year or two it will be too late. societies around the world allowed social media and multinational internet companies to dominate the planet and in many societies it is far too late for legislation and laws to protect society. as society is starting to understand the impact of social media on society, the good, the bad and the…
so, i learned a new word (or concept) today: ultra violence ultra violence is when extreme violence is so violent that it defies the word "extreme" and of course the extreme violence has to be normalised in that society. i heard the concept first in reference to the death of tourism in alcapulco and cancun in mexico. a journalist literally…