Gang Bang

Do not think that the corruption in and of the South African Police Services is an isolated thing. The Justice system is part of the gang.

In fact, if you read about the events surrounding the SA Police, Courts, systems of justice and the Jacques Pauw arrest, it reads like a Mickey Mouse, Banana Republic Joke.

Sadly, it is no joke.

The South African Police too often behaves like a criminal gang. I am also an ex policeman. I know how it works. I have also been arrested, without a warrant and with no probable cause. Simply because I refused to pay a bribe as the corrupt policeman in my case also confused my identity. (or was simply taking a chance) In my case nobody (except me) was ever arrested, the “Police” investigated themselves and found themselves innocent of any wrongdoing. I heard that the same corrupt cop who arrested me was recently promoted. Mazel tov. Corruption is rewarded with promotion, creating just more and more corrupt SA Police mid management. The way to expand your criminal empire and build your gang. Luckily he wears a white skin, so he probably will not make it far up in the ranks anyway. Wrong race, see. So, even the corrupt cop has a glass ceiling. Lucky society.

Guys like Robert Mc Bride (IPID) are farting against thunder. There is always a “friendly” magistrate or “friendly” judge. There is always aag, sorry man, sorry for holding you for a few days in our cold hard concrete cells without your chronic medication. No harm no foul out you go. See, you are free. What more do you want?

I want a country where the Police are not corrupt.

I want a country where the courts are accessible to the poor.

I want a society where the courts (judges and magistrates) are not corrupt.

Lots more I want, but for this post, this is already more than will happen anyway.

Regarding justice: It is even worse if you are poor. The 99% simply has no justice., no chance and are truly fucked if a cop decides to fuck them.